Testnet Wallets Preparation

Getting Started

Algomint Testnet is now live at: https://testnet.algomint.io

You are now able to connect with your Algorand Testnet Wallet and play with some key functionalities, including KYC, minting/unlocking BTC/ETH, and viewing transaction history.

The Testnet is a sandbox for you to play with in a safe environment where no real money is at stake, while we continue adding new features, fix bugs, and improve the user experience.

Your feedback will be valuable for us, please join our Telegram group to share your minting experience!

Prepare your Algorand Wallet

Those already familiar with Algorand Wallet testnet can skip this part.

Before the Testnet, there are a number of things you need to do. There are two main ways to create and access an Algo testnet wallet. Through MyAlgo Wallet or the official Algorand wallet app.

A. Algorand Wallet App

Step 1

You will need to register an Algorand Wallet.

Step 2

Switch to the testnet of your Algorand Wallet:

Step 3

Get some Testnet Algorand tokens. Each time you do this, Algorand will send 10 free testnet ALGOs. Don't spend it all on ice cream!

Step 4

Add Algomint assets. Add Asset IDs on Testnet for goBTC, goETH, and goMNT. add-te

NameAsset IDs







Step 5

Go to https://testnet.algomint.io to connect to your Algorand Testnet wallet

My Algo Wallet

An alternative is to use wallet.myalgo.com on your computer

Step 1

Create a new wallet or import an existing wallet using the mneumonic seed words.

Step 2

Switch from mainnet to Testnet at the top right of yours screen on MyAlgo's website

Testnet tokens are different from the tokens used on mainnet. You will need testnet algos to interact with Algorand's testnet

Step 3

Go to the Algorand TestNet dispenser and input your algorand wallet address. This will send you 10 testnet Algos.

Step 4

In order to receive goBTC, goETH or goMNT, you will need to opt-in to these assets prior to beginning the minting process:

NameAsset IDs







Note: This requires a minimum of 0.4 testnet Algos in order to add the ASAs listed above.

Step 5

Now that algorand wallet is prepared, go to https://testnet.algomint.io, enter the Wallets tab.

Step 6

Click + to enter “Add Wallets” area. Select the Algorand logo and enter the Algo wallet address.

Prepare your Bitcoin Testnet Wallet

To start minting goBTC tokens, users would need to acquire testnet BTC. The following is guide on how to set up a Testnet wallet and get some Testnet BTC.

BitPay (Easiest)

Download link: https://bitpay.com/wallet/

Follow the following steps from BitPay to set up Testnet Bitcoin Wallet:

How to Create a Testnet Wallet BitPay Support


Download link: https://electrum.org/#download

Follow the following guide to set up an Electreum Testnet Wallet:

A Beginner's Guide to the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet bitzuma

Additional Bitcoin Testnet faucets

Prepare your Ethereum Testnet Wallet

To start minting goETH tokens, users would need to acquire Ethereum on Ropsten Testnet. The following is guide on how to set up a Ropsten Testnet wallet and get some Testnet BTC.


Download link: https://metamask.io/download

Switch to Ropsten Network after setting up MetaMask wallet

Ropsten rETH faucet

Last updated